Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Well it's a new year and I have alot of projects floating around in my head.  But my goal is to start only ONE project a month!  But that my be even harder than my resolution to finish at least TWO older projects a month!!!

I have volunteered to organize a BOM program for our guild.  I have been working on this for a  week.  But of course in the process,  I have planned  a quilt for myself using the same blocks in a color combination of white,red,brown with the focus fabric a paisley on a white background.

Here is a picture of the Jan block for the guild;
Here is my version - Wine & Paisley:
Feb Guild:
Feb Wine & Paisley
The guild squares will be using a different fabric each month while I will be using the same fabrics for all. 
I thought I would give you a look at the most precious grandkids in the world,  and I would know!!!   
Keep on stitchin'