Monday, September 1, 2014

2-4-1 Quilt Instructions


Serendipity Quilt
This was not my original idea.  But after much searching and lots of phone call I could not find the pattern so I set about recreating the instructions for some of my friends.  If this offends or violates and rules, I am sorry. 
We will be making 2 blocks - approximately 18” .  This will be the bases for the whole quilt.  You can then add blocks to make it as large as you would like!

Supplies needed for 2 Blocks.

1 Jelly roll - You will use 2 each of 6 different strips
If you are cutting your own fabric you will need 2 WOF strips of each print.  FQ’s work well - you will need to cut 4 strips from the selvage to the center cut of each color
12” of a solid  cut into 4 - 2 ½” strips
Rulers - long ruler at least 18”
If you have a strip cutter mat it is very handy for this project.
I recommend a new blade in your cutter and the largest cutter you have.
You will need your machine and all of your basic sewing supplies.
I also recommend very thin & long straight pins.


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