Saturday, January 21, 2012

Simple says it Best!

I made this quilt out of scraps!  I once had a handle on my stash - not like today!  I would cut the left overs into 4 or 5 inch squares.  Then I made 9 patches.  I don't have this quilt any longer and really hadn't thought about it, until my youngest daughter (30 something) had back surgery in September.  When we went to the hospital to see her - she had it on her bed.  I had given it to her when she had moved into her first apartment.  She had held onto it through her single days and her first marriage.  Now it is still with her after 15 years and going into her new marriage.  She said it gives her comfort!   That fills me with  pride.  Something so simple can mean so much to someone you love and you may not even know it!!!!

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